国际 2023-02-07 14:31



嫌疑人尼尔·皮塔尔(Neal Pittard)打电话给妻子,告诉她他在Hungry Howie's里面等她,并威胁要杀了她。她拨打了911,但在警察赶到之前,Pittard用枪指着披萨店的经理。警方后来证实那是一把水枪。

迈克·布里奇斯(Mike Bridges)在附近开了一家印刷店,事发时刚刚关门。


根据逮捕报告,Hungry Howie的一名员工告诉警方,Pittard让商店经理走到等候室,坐在其中的一张长椅上。

An employee of a Hungry Howie in Altamo<em></em>nte Springs was taken hostage inside the restaurant Mo<em></em>nday night, police said.

An employee of a Hungry Howie in Altamo<em></em>nte Springs was taken hostage inside the restaurant Mo<em></em>nday night, police said.

An employee of a Hungry Howie in Altamo<em></em>nte Springs was taken hostage inside the restaurant Mo<em></em>nday night, police said.

An employee of a Hungry Howie in Altamo<em></em>nte Springs was taken hostage inside the restaurant Mo<em></em>nday night, police said.

An employee of a Hungry Howie in Altamo<em></em>nte Springs was taken hostage inside the restaurant Mo<em></em>nday night, police said.

An employee of a Hungry Howie in Altamo<em></em>nte Springs was taken hostage inside the restaurant Mo<em></em>nday night, police said.

An employee of a Hungry Howie in Altamo<em></em>nte Springs was taken hostage inside the restaurant Mo<em></em>nday night, police said.

An employee of a Hungry Howie in Altamo<em></em>nte Springs was taken hostage inside the restaurant Mo<em></em>nday night, police said.

An employee of a Hungry Howie in Altamo<em></em>nte Springs was taken hostage inside the restaurant Mo<em></em>nday night, police said.

An employee of a Hungry Howie in Altamo<em></em>nte Springs was taken hostage inside the restaurant Mo<em></em>nday night, police said.





Joseph Garcia是Pittard的前邻居,他说Pittard在公寓小区很有名。



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